Our Kinky-Fresh update is made complete with Adam Archuleta. Our BelAmiologists will recall that this is the third time we’ve featured this sultry and suave couple. They had an oral scene at BelAmi and a full fuck scene can be found on Freshmen Affairs 3- Hungarian edition
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John Lennox & Helmut Huxley
Kian O’Connor & Oscar Scholz
Lorenzo Ricci & Mikael Nyoman
Derek Caravaggio & Bruce Querelle
Riff Dornan & Nikk Lanier
Johnny McLeod
Ashton Montana with Joe & Viggo Sorensen part 2
Nate Donaghy and Bart Cuban
Jay Campion
Johnny Eilish
Dallas White & Oscar Kraus
Jim Durden and Viggo Sorensen
Jorik Tautou & Tim Moffie Part 1
John Leto and Sammy Poulain
Claude Sorel & Raf Koons
Ethan O’Pry & Viggo Sorensen
Daley Anholt
Jorik Tautou and Elio Chalamet