We are back in sunny Mykonos today and little Kevin is running around a house full of boys. Thanks to his camera we get to see everything happening around a photoshoot featuring Serge Cavalli and Kieran Benning as well as what the boys get up to when they’re not filming or being photographed.
At one point Kevin decides to follow Yannis Paluan who, after stealing GD’s tea, persuades Paul Cassidy to suck his hard cock. It’s a busy day for Kevin!
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Kevin Warhol & Helmut Huxley
Sammy Poulain with Ashton Montana & Elio Chalamet
Elio Chalamet & Riff Dornan
Jeff Mirren and Matthieu Pique
Oscar Scholz
Alan Cartier
Nils Tatum & Jens Christensen
Brenden Staal
Mark Laysson & Jens Christensen
Freshmen boys : Dancing in the Sun
John Leto and Freddy McQueen
Pip Caulfield
Jim Durden & Timothy Blue
Jarrod Lanvin & Bruce Querrelle
Kirk Gaugin and Jeremy Robbin
Adam Archuleta & Robin Rief
BootCamp part 1
Daley Anholt