Apprentice Ducati, Chapter 4: Atonement

The atonement ceremony is the greatest test of an apprentice’s stamina and will power. A long, low bench, covered in butt plugs of increasing sizes, is revealed to the boy, and he’s asked to ride each one in turn. If he’s unable to take one of the pegs, he’ll be punished.

Apprentice Ducati is greatly thrown by the sight of his three favorite Masters – Kamp, Scott and Napoli – sitting around the bench in a dark, candlelit room. Master Kamp takes control, ordering the boy to lower himself down onto the pegs and rewarding him with wet, lustful kisses which plunge Ducati into a state of pure ecstasy. The further he gets along the line of pegs, the more difficult they become to ride. Master Napoli occasionally stands and casually pushes down on the apprentice’s shoulders.

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