To warm you all up for Tom’s appearance next week as our featured model, we have scheduled him today with Torsten in a scene from our Bratislava studio. As all perfect days do, today begins with some ice cream and ends with a fuck, the main difference between a BelAmi day and a normal person’s day is that both ice cream and fuck involve 2 guys as handsome as Tom and Torsten. It’s Torsten’s turn to be on the top today but we think we would like to repeat the scene with Tom topping Tortsen as well. What do you think?
Click Here & Get Full Access to BelAmiOnlineSammy Poulain
Belami With Rhys Jagger, Joel Birkin and Christian Lundgren
Jean-Luc Bisset and Rhys Jagger
Roald Ekberg and Raphael Nylon
Liam Efron
Jerome Exupery & Ian Roebuck
Kevin Warhol & Dean Cullen
Igor Voronin Solo
Helmut Huxley and Kieran Benning
Jordan Faris & Dean Cullen
Leo Lamech
Nino Valens Solo
Elio Chalamet & Viggo Sorensen
Daan Jeffries
Henrik Bjorn & Bob Marghiela
Jeff Mirren & Bobby Noiret
Tony Conrad & Charlie Bogard BelAmi
Kris Evans & Antony Lorca