Breed Him Right Gay Porn Video On Boys Halfway House

Breed Him Right

It always amazes me that guys who have had a relatively decent upbringing can fall so low as to end up in a place such as out humble Halfway House. Sure, the former fostered guys, and the guys from bad homes, or the guys with crack head parents – it’s no surprise that they are where they are. But two parent household, nice house and school district growing up? What the hell are these young men thinking when they throw that all away?

Maybe some people are just meant to be delinquents and whores. That said, at least even the delinquents and whores can scrounge up enough dough each week to pay their House rent. Street smarts always seem to include the ability to come up with a wad of cash, even if it’s at the last moment, and even if that wad was ill-gotten. This pitiful suburban wasteland reject, though, like so many of his ilk can’t seem to get a job or figure out any other way to pay rent. I suppose that’s what happens when everything is fed to you on a platter.

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Click Here & Get Full Access to Boys Halfway House Click Here & Get Full Access to Boys Halfway House
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